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Link For Reporting Problems To SMBC

If you have any issues that need to be reported to Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council such as overflowing bins, potholes and fly tipping the council have a very comprehensive list of options available to report online. Please follow this link to go to their website and report any issues:


Census 2021

If you haven’t managed to complete the Census 2021 there is help available from the ONS website – https://census.gov.uk/ – or on 0800 141 2021. Local support is being offered by Solihull Library on 0121 704 6005.
If people have any questions or concerns or are uncertain about completion, I am also offering the online sessions listed below. To join the sessions, click on the links below during the times stated. If anybody is having trouble with the links they can also phone me direct on 07452946003

Fiona Saxon

Community Engagement Manager for Solihull Office for National Statistics

Tuesday, 6th April, 6-7pm – https://meet.google.com/okg-nrcw-dbv?authuser=0
Wednesday, 7th April, 5-6pm – https://meet.google.com/ite-xgbi-sys?authuser=0
Thursday, 8th April, 7-8pm – https://meet.google.com/wmo-sgcr-trd?authuser=0

West Midlands Police – Commonwealth Games Awareness and Impact Survey

Good afternoon all, we hope you’re well & looking forward to the weekend.

Since 2018, West Midlands Police have been working on the security operation that will surround the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.

The operation will be the largest in West Midlands Police’s history. The Games were introduced to bring people together from across the Commonwealth, we want to echo that approach to bring communities together from across the region to deliver a safe, secure and welcoming Birmingham 2022.

We have developed a questionnaire to understand your views so we can incorporate your thoughts and ideas into our plans.  Your feedback is important to us, so please take care when answering. This survey should take you approx. 5 minutes.

Please be assured that your answers will remain completely anonymous. If you wish to get in contact regarding this survey or have any questions, please press the reply button at the bottom of this message’


Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey, it’s very much appreciated.