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Bring a bag for your rubbish when spending time outdoors.

Are you planning on spending time outdoors? Play your part in helping to keep our environment clean and litter-free: bring a bag to take your rubbish home with you to throw away or recycle. Don’t leave rubbish next to a full bin. Litter ruins our great outdoors by harming our wildlife and polluting our waters. Remember, bins aren’t always available outdoors, especially in the countryside

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Emergency Road Closure – Norton Lane

Works on behalf of: Severn Trent Water.

Reason for closure: Repair of Apparatus in Dangerous Condition.

Name of road and extent affected: Norton Lane, – From its junction with Lowbrook Lane to its junction with Fulford Hall Road.

Dates and times of closure:  Immediate until Tuesday 23rd April 2024 @ 18:00 hours.

Access for emergency services can be maintained: Yes.

Contact Name: Severn Trent West Scheduling Team.