Planning applications – Roundabout Sponsorship Sign Blackford Road Shirley Solihull
This application was approved
Consultee Access at the following address:
If you have not responded by the end of that time, or given notice that you require more time and why, the Authority will assume you have no comment to make.
Planning Applications – 3 Willowherb way
This application was approved
Consultee Access at the following address:
If you have not responded by the end of that time, or given notice that you require more time and why, the Authority will assume you have no comment to make.
Best Front Garden Winners
Dickens Heath in Bloom Success
Update from Police Sergeant Paula McDowell
The Parish Council were delighted to welcome our local Police Sergeant Paula McDowell to their September meeting. Residents have been concerned about recent anti-social behaviour, in particular on the Village Green late at night. Sergeant McDowell said that crime is generally very low in Dickens Heath – it is mainly car thefts, with Land Rovers a particular target, and the occasional house break-in. She was not aware of anti-social behaviour on the Village Green. She therefore encouraged all residents to log any ASB problems – via the on-line chat or by ringing 101. She emphasized that the Police can only do something if they are aware of the problem, and logs will be brought to the attention of her team. Instances of vandalism, underage drinking, potential drug taking and ASB should all be logged – to inform the Police of low level problems before they escalate. She added that noise is not a police issue.
Dickens Heath Food & Craft Market
Rebel Business School
Solihull council have an amazing opportunity coming up for residents of Solihull. The Rebel Business School are running a 10-day course for those people who may be interested in starting, or growing their own business. The course will provide people with the skills, knowledge and confidence needed to get their business (or idea) up and running.
The course is for people of all ages, but they must be Solihull residents. The course will take place on Zoom.
Please direct people to the following link, where they can register for the event, or find out more about it –
There is also an article about this event on BBP media, which can be found here –
Participant-TestimonionalsHome Energy Saving Measures – grants of up to £10,000 now available
Planning Application – 31 Tythe Barn Lane
Consultee Access at the following address:
If you have not responded by the end of that time, or given notice that you require more time and why, the Authority will assume you have no comment to make.