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Vaccination Update from Solihull MBC Community Champions

Covid Vaccination Leaflet Some positive news on the vaccine front: we are making good progress in Solihull, with the effort to vaccinate in care homes pretty much complete, and the vaccinations of over 80s likely to be complete within the next week. A few key points: ·         There is no issue with vaccine supply. ·         Vaccinations for …

Solihull Local Plan Review Consultation now open – the Parish Council would like to hear Residents’ Views

Solihull’s Local Plan will guide development in the borough for the next decade, and beyond. It is the basis for future planning decisions as it creates a ‘blueprint’ for when and where major developments can take place, and where they shouldn’t take place. Residents and businesses are being asked to make final representations about Solihull’s …

Cancellation Of Solihull Round Table Annual Firework Display and Details of Solihull Council’s Quieter Fireworks Campaign

Solihull Round Table Annual Firework Display is cancelledSolihull Round Table is saddened to announce that this year’s Firework Display and Bonfire at Tudor Grange Park in 2020 will not be going ahead.Daniel Gibbin, the event organiser for 2020 said: “Despite detailed planning and constant communication with Solihull Council we have made the decision that this …


We know that many of our residents love Halloween and will be disappointed that things will be a bit different this year. Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council have asked that, due to the risk of spreading Covid-19 and in line with the government guidelines that residents: avoid knocking on doors/traditional ‘Trick or Treating’ activities and attending …

Further Building Plans for Dickens Heath Parish – Please Give Us Your Views

Update on Solihull MBC’s Final Draft Local Plan Proposals for Dickens Heath The latest information on the Solihull Local Plan Review can be seen at https://www.solihull.gov.uk/lpr and we expect the Consultation will be open to early December 2020. The Parish Council would like to take residents’ views into account in their response. Please forward your …

Covid-19 Summary of Changes for Solihull as of Wednesday October 14th 2020

There are two important changes. We can no longer meet anywhere indoors to socialise with people who are not members of our own household/support bubble. We can no longer meet people in pubs, restaurants or other social settings as well as not meeting in homes. It is lawful to look after children to enable parents …