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Solihull Local Plan Review Consultation – SMBC Webinars

Solihull Local Plan – Draft Submission Plan webinars

SMBC officers are holding two webinars to help residents and businesses make final representations about Solihull’s Draft Submission Plan.

Representations can be submitted up to Monday 14 December 2020, before the Plan is submitted for independent examination. Solihull’s Local Plan will guide the development of the borough for the next decade and beyond. It is the basis for future planning decisions as it creates a ‘blueprint’ for when and where major developments should and shouldn’t take place.

The grounds for making representations can only relate to the soundness and legal compliance of this Draft Submission Plan.

Those wanting to make representations need to visit the Local Plan Review page of the Council website as at this stage there is a formal method of submitting a representation.

To offer interested parties an opportunity to discuss the Plan with Council officers, two webinars have been organised:

Thursday 12 November at 10am

Monday 16 November at 5.30pm

To take part, you need to go to the SMBC Council’s YouTube page where these webinars will be streamed. If you would like to forward a question for the team to answer as part of the webinar, you can do in advance to psp@solihull.gov.uk, please include ‘Question for Webinar’ in the subject line of your email.

The representation period will close on Monday 14 December.

For more information about Solihull’s Local Plan review, visit www.solihull.gov.uk/lpr