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Council Car Park Charges Suspended

Council Car Park Charges Suspended

Solihull Council has suspended parking charges in Council-operated car parks and on-street parking bays in Solihull town centre, Knowle and Shirley until further notice.

This decision was approved virtually by the Cabinet Member for Environment & Highways.

People can still access Council-operated car parks – please check the website for opening/closing times.

Ticket machines will be covered over and signage put in place to inform motorists of the changes.

Civil Enforcement Officers will continue to be out and about, checking that facilities remain safe and that motorists park sensibly.

For more information about the Council’s Transport and Highways Traffic Management service please visit: www.solihull.gov.uk/transport

West Midlands Police Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update – Changes To Our Service and How You Can Help
Changes to our serviceThroughout these changing times, one thing which will never change is our commitment to keeping you safe.

We want to reassure you that we’re still here to prevent crime, protect the public and help those in need.

However to minimise the spread of the virus means that we have fewer team members in our contact centres as some people need to self-isolate. Our staff are helping out as much as they can from home, however it may take a little longer to get in touch, especially if you try to call us.How you can helpIt’s really important we keep our phone lines free so we can prioritise 999 emergencies and help those most in need.

We’ve found that many of the calls we’re receivingcould be resolved online. This stops us from helping someone who really needs us right now.

Help us so we can help you. For all non-emergencies we ask you to visit our website first. Here you can:Search for advice on a range of issuesReport crime such at theft, criminal damage or burglarySpeak to us on Live Chat between 8am to midnightYou’ll find that everything you can do over 101 you can do on the website and Live Chat.
CoronavirusNo one ever said that these restrictions were going to be easy to follow. We understand it’s difficult but we all have a part to play in protecting each other by following the advice.

We are enforcing the social distancing measures, which the majority of you are following. It’s a minority who are putting others at risk.

Where we’ve had reports online of people not following the rules, we’ve used this information to target our patrols.

As you’d expect our priority will always be to continue to respond to crime and prioritise the most serious of crimes. You can trust that we will use our powers to stop significant breaches when we can.

Visit our coronavirus specific page to see how we’re supporting you through this health emergency and how to report anyone not following the guidelines.

Keep following the government advice by staying at home and only going outside for essential food, health and work.

Stay home, save lives, protect the NHS.

If we help each other out, together we can get through this.

West Midlands Police


Coronavirus Testing Expansion

The Government has announced the further expansion of access to coronavirus testing to help protect the most vulnerable. 
Anyone in England with coronavirus symptoms, who either has to leave home to go to work or is aged 65 and over, will now also be able to get tested.
Tests are available across the country. They can be booked immediately.
People can register at the testing portal using this link (https://bit.ly/BookTesting). Full guidance on testing can be viewed here (https://bit.ly/TestingGuidance).

Foodbank Collection Box now in Tesco

There is now a way to donate non-perishable food within Dickens Heath which will be passed onto a local food bank within Solihull (Renewal, Lode Lane). Tesco Express, Dickens Heath have very kindly offered to act as a collection point for donations.
Borough Cllr Ken Hawkins will be collecting donations from Tesco each Wednesday. All donations will be very much appreciated.

Update on Adoption of Gorcott Lane Island

A complaint about the untidy appearance of the Gorcott Lane island prompted Councillor Alan Scholes to get in touch with developer Redrow, who still own it, to ask why they don’t seem keen for it to be adopted by SMBC. Redrow replied that the island is part of a small section of highway that had to remain in the control of the Consortium of Developers and SMBC while the village centre works were still to be completed. Now that Garden Squares is complete, there is no reason why Redrow cannot meet with SMBC to discuss the adoption. It is hoped that a meeting will be arranged to progress this once life gets back to normal.

Severn Trent works on Dickens Heath Rd

The Severn Trent works from outside Copperfield Court, towards Fishers Drive, have resulted in comments from residents that they have ‘butchered the road’ and the tarmac repair ‘looks awful’. Solihull MBC have confirmed that this is works in progress, and they will be back to complete the repair to a higher standard, though we’re not sure when.

Here 2 Help – additional advice and support during the pandemic

Solihull Council and the local voluntary sector have worked together to produce some additional information to help people through the current period.

Under the banner of Here 2 Help, the pages cover a range of topics such as – shielding for really vulnerable people, help with food – including food bank deliveries, money advice, how to stay well, how to stay safe and how to volunteer safely. There are lots of useful contact numbers for local people to use and share with family, friends and their local communities.

The Here 2 Help pages can be found at – https://www.solihull.gov.uk/Resident/socialservicesandhealth/Coronavirus/Here2H


Good News about the Village Green

It is a difficult time for everyone, but the process whereby Solihull MBC have been advertising the disposal of the Village Green via a lease to the Parish Council has continued. And we are delighted to report that there have been no objections to the lease and so it can now be completed.

The Parish Council would like to thank everyone who played a part in the process, and look forward to taking responsibility for the Village Green and finally updating the Playground (once life returns to some sort of normality).