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Annual Parish Meeting, March 9th 2021 6.30pm

The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting for residents to come and ask any questions they wish of the Parish Council. It will be held on zoom of course this year, and all are very welcome to attend. Martyn Sergeant of Solihull MBC community Champions has agreed to do a short update on Covid-19 and vaccinations in Solihull and to then answer any questions that residents have. Following this, the Parish Council will invite any other questions from members of the public.

If you would like to attend, please contact us on 07772469271 or dickensheathpc@hotmail.com for the meeting details.

Commonwealth Games Survey

With only 18 months to go the Commonwealth Games is moving another step closer and to help with preparations we’re inviting residents, businesses, schools and organisations across the Borough to start sharing your ideas, priorities and expectations for the Games.  The responses received from this survey will help inform the council’s planning and investment over 2021 and 2022 – particularly ensuring that the opportunities the Games creates are relevant and accessible to everyone.

The Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games (28 July to 8 August) is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to showcase the West Midlands on the global stage. The most dedicated, highly trained and determined athletes from across 71 nations will come together in a momentous celebration of sport, competition and community. Solihull Council is one of the host authorities, with 6 events (Badminton, Weightlifting & Para Powerlifting, Boxing, Table Tennis and Netball) taking place at the NEC.  The Council is researching what activities and events might be delivered in association with the Commonwealth Games.  This short survey will contribute to that research and inform the types of activities, events opportunities the Council can consider providing for the Borough.

The survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.  There are two versions, one specifically for children and young people, as well as one for all residents and stakeholders living and working in the Borough.  The survey will close at 12pm on 17th February so please participate and share before then.

In addition to the survey, we can also arrange to speak to groups and meetings to talk about the Games and to start collecting people’s ideas, comments and contributions.  If you have a meeting taking place during February, or would like to arrange one for your group to talk about the Games, then please get in touch with rebecca.johnston@solihull.gov.uk to arrange for a council representative to attend and participate.

All Concessionary Pass Holders From 1st February Travel to your vaccination appointments for free before 09:30 on buses and trams

Dear Concessionary pass holder,

We are pleased to inform you that from Monday 1 February, concessionary pass holders will be able to travel for free before 9.30 am on all buses and trams in the West Midlands to get to their vaccination appointments. 

  • You will need to show proof of a written appointment confirmation letter, e-mail or text to the driver
  • You will be able to travel up to 90 minutes before your appointment

Please contact our customer service team if you have any queries.


Census 2021

Census2021 will provide a snapshot of modern society

Households will soon be asked to take part in the census. This is held once every 10 years with the next one taking place in March.

Census day is 21st March 2021.

The national poll is a snapshot of the country on one day giving detailed information about society which is then used to make decisions about vital services in the community – such as doctors’ surgeries, new schools, bus routes, care provision for the vulnerable and elderly.

In late February, all households will receive a letter explaining the census and then households will receive a unique access code allowing you to complete the questionnaire online on computers, tablets or smartphones. Paper questionnaires are available on request.

Census helplines will be able to offer support throughout March.

The census will include questions about household size, your age, work, health, education, and ethnicity. For the first time it will ask people whether they have served in the UK Armed Forces – including doing National Service – and there will be voluntary questions on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Every household will be required by law to fill out a Census form.

The Office for National Statistics runs the census. It is independent from the government. All details are protected by law and information published is always anonymous.  Data will be published in 2022, but all personal details which would identify an individual are locked away for 100 years and kept safe for future generations and family historians.

The census has been carried out every ten years since 1801 with the exception of 1941 due to the Second World War.

For more information about Census2021 visit www.census.gov.uk

A Message From West Midlands Police

If it’s not 999, go online
It’s really important we keep our emergency 999 phone lines free to help those most in need.
We find that many of the calls we receive can be resolved online. So for all non-emergencies please try visiting our website first https://west-midlands.police.uk/
If home doesn’t feel like the safest place to be, you can contact us on Live Chat  https://west-midlands.police.uk/ where specially trained officers can provide support and help keep you safe. Remember, in an emergency always call 999.

Thanks for doing your bit to help us at this difficult time.