Solihull Council is looking for people who are interested in becoming foster parents to provide a safe and loving home for looked after children across the borough.
The fostering team is holding a virtual information evening on Wednesday 23rd March, 6.30 – 7.30pm which will give people the opportunity to learn about the fostering process, ask questions and speak informally to some current foster carers.
Almost anyone can become a foster carer, whether you are single, married, young or retired, a home owner or in rented accommodation. All you need is a spare bedroom and a willingness to give a child a stable and loving home. Foster carers of all ages, cultures and backgrounds are needed in Solihull to look after children for short and longer periods of time.
If you would like to join the virtual information evening, which will be held via Microsoft Teams, please email for more details. For more information, please follow us on Facebook and sign up to our Stay Connected bulletins by following this link
If you are unable to attend the event, please call 0121 788 4253 for more information or visit
Annual Parish Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting is being held on Tuesday April 5th at 7pm. The meeting is for residents, they can come along and raise any issues that concern them. As anti-social behaviour has been an increasing problem recently, the Police and Streetwatch have been invited to attend to give residents an update and answer any questions.
Notice of Candidates for Election April 7th 2022
Memorial Planter
A big thank you to Trevor from Waterside for replanting the flowers by the memorial – they look lovely
Notice of Election of a Parish Councillor
Tesco Car Park Restricted Parking on Thursday March 3rd 2022
Notice of Work to Garden Area on Tesco Car Park – Restricted Parking on Thursday 3rd March
Works on the Garden Area of the Parish Council Owned (Tesco) Car Park are scheduled for Thursday 3rd March 2022 which will mean restricted parking on bays adjacent to the planted garden areas to facilitate access for equipment and carrying out improvement works on that day. This will affect access to those Parking Bays more immediately adjacent to the overgrown garden area along the rear fence and bin store services on that day. The work is being carried out by contractors on behalf of Elegant Dickens Heath Village Ltd under the terms of the car park acquisition agreement with the Parish Council. There is no cost to the Parish Council for these works. The car park will otherwise remain open for the majority of parking bays on that day with supervision in place to ensure the minimum of restrictions necessary. Reminder Notices will be placed on parked vehicles on Tuesday & Wednesday 1st & 2nd of March plus Shops, Business & Main Street Apartments circulated with advisory notices.
Car Park Users are reminded that use of this car park is at vehicle owners risk.
Planning Applications – 52 Tythe Barn Lane
Planning Applications – 2 Brockhurst Lane
TPO Planning Application 2022/00243 was to prune 2 mature oaks & fell the central one due to decay ref T2.The PC supported the pruning works but raised reservations over the need to fell the centre Oak T2 requesting a careful assessment by the SMBC Tree Officer.A split planning condition has been issued approving the pruning works with conditions but refusing the Felling of T2. Should further works be required on T2 a fresh application will need to be made.
Last year, following the tragic death of Sarah Everard we asked you what types of behaviour make you feel unsafe. Over 2,000 people gave us their views which have been used to help form our Police and Crime plan.
Following on from this we now have a new non-crime reporting tool – StreetSafe. You can use it to help tell us the places where you don’t feel safe.
You can drop a pin to the exact location where you don’t feel safe. It can be used to anonymously report behavioural or environmental concerns such as:
Poor lighting
Lack of CCTV
Signs of drug use
Feeling of being followed/ have previously been followed
Verbal harassment
Since its launch in September 2021, there have been over 8,000 reports submitted on StreetSafe.
Your reports around safety are important and help shape the work we do with partners. We will better understand areas you’re concerned about and concentrate our efforts, together with partners, to make you feel safe where it matters.
Encourage people you know to use StreetSafe too.
With more reports, we are able to spot common issues around safety in certain areas.
More information about StreetSafe can be found on our website
Visit the national police website to make a report
Remember, StreetSafe is not a crime reporting tool. If you want to report a crime you can live chat 8am – midnight on our website or call 101.