Category archives: Community News
Unfortunately the new bench that had been fire damaged suffered further vandalism, was no longer safe, and has had to be removed. A decision will be made later in the year on whether to replace the bench.
Solihull And Warwickshire Broadband Update
Bringing faster broadband to our rural areas Project Update March 2022 Please forward this email to your contacts – we need to spread the word! If you would like a Word version of this newsletter please email: Sign up to receive this e-newsletter direct to your inbox and for information about progress on your cabinet or exchange-only …
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Dickens Heath Food and Craft Market
Solihull Council is looking for people who are interested in becoming foster parents to provide a safe and loving home for looked after children across the borough. The fostering team is holding a virtual information evening on Wednesday 23rd March, 6.30 – 7.30pm which will give people the opportunity to learn about the fostering process, …
Annual Parish Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting is being held on Tuesday April 5th at 7pm. The meeting is for residents, they can come along and raise any issues that concern them. As anti-social behaviour has been an increasing problem recently, the Police and Streetwatch have been invited to attend to give residents an update and answer any questions.
Notice of Candidates for Election April 7th 2022
Memorial Planter
A big thank you to Trevor from Waterside for replanting the flowers by the memorial – they look lovely
Notice of Election of a Parish Councillor
Tesco Car Park Restricted Parking on Thursday March 3rd 2022
Notice of Work to Garden Area on Tesco Car Park – Restricted Parking on Thursday 3rd March Works on the Garden Area of the Parish Council Owned (Tesco) Car Park are scheduled for Thursday 3rd March 2022 which will mean restricted parking on bays adjacent to the planted garden areas to facilitate access for equipment and carrying …
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