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New App to Increase Flood Awareness

Following the flooding in the borough last year, Solihull Council has invested in a new app which will allow residents to be more flood aware. Solihull Council has collaborated with Vision Link to develop the new app, which allows people to view the Council’s network of cameras and sensors which monitor water levels. Users can …

Residents Urged to report Anti Social Behaviour

With the weather warming up, Safer Solihull Partnership is urging residents to report the anti-social use of motorbikes, which can be experienced at this time of year.In the past, there have been instances of people driving motorbikes, scramblers and quads recklessly over the borough’s parks and open spaces, causing a nuisance and danger to others.Organisations …

West Midlands Little Book Of Big Scams

The Little Book Of Big Scams is packed with info about Scams and Frauds as well as advice on protecting yourself and what to do if you have been caught out. Please check out the link below, which I hope helps to protect you, your family and loved ones. https://www.scvo.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/West-Midlands_LBOBS_Fourth-Edition_Online.pdf

The Parish Council have Moved to the Library

As of this week, Dickens Heath Parish Council have moved in to share premises with Dickens Heath Library and will be located on the 1st floor. The co-location will help both of our organisations become more sustainable in the future and brings together two important local community services into the same building.  We also hope …