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Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council

Residents invited to comment on parliamentary constituency boundaries Solihull Council is encouraging residents to comment on the proposed parliamentary constituency boundaries that have been proposed by the Boundary Commission for England (BCE), as part of an eight-week consultation. The BCE is required to ensure that the number of electors in each constituency is more equal …

Planning Application – 5 Brixfield Way

To view the case details, track this application and provide comments – please log on toConsultee Access at the following address:https://publicaccess.solihull.gov.uk/online-applications/If you have not responded by the end of that time, or given notice that you require more time and why, the Authority will assume you have no comment to make.

Planning Application – 5 Primrose Lane

To view the case details, track this application and provide comments – please log on toConsultee Access at the following address:https://publicaccess.solihull.gov.uk/online-applications/If you have not responded by the end of that time, or given notice that you require more time and why, the Authority will assume you have no comment to make.

Connecting Solihull and Warwickshire Fibre Broadband Update

Bringing faster broadband to our rural areas Project Update June 2021 Please forward this email to your contacts – we need to spread the word! If you would like a Word version of this newsletter please email: broadband@cswbroadband.org.uk Sign up to receive this e-newsletter direct to your inbox and for information about progress on your cabinet or exchange-only …

Message From Action Fraud

Over 5M Suspicious Emails Reported Phishing remains the most successful attack vector for cyber criminals targeting individuals and businesses.  Cyber criminals love phishing. Unfortunately, this is not a harmless riverbank pursuit. When criminals go phishing, you are the fish and the bait is usually contained in a scam email or text message. The criminal’s goal …

Advice On Planning Applications

Have you received a neighbour notice regarding a planning application? Or have you submitted a planning application yourself? The Parish council is a statutory consultee for all Planning applications in the Parish. If you have any concerns, or feel you might be affected by a planning application, please forward your comments to us at the …