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Your Parish Council

Dickens Heath Parish Council was formed in 2009 following the abolition of the former Hockley Heath Parish Council. It is made up of 7 locally elected councillors, who are here to represent you and to work on your behalf to help create a village that we can all be proud of.

We are working on your behalf to underpin our local village with community spirit, pride and a sense of well being.


We are the first tier of local government and will work in partnership with our colleagues at Solihull MBC to try to resolve issues which concern the residents of our village and to develop our community. Please take a look at our website and let us know how we can improve it. We have appointed a parish clerk and we would like to establish an office and a community room for local groups.

We are keen to talk to our older residents about social based activities which would be of interest to them. We intend to support financially community events, youth work, litter collection and the planting and maintenance of floral displays. We will also be supporting the fledgling Dickens Heath Gardening Club. We may be able to award grants for appropriate causes as well. If you are interested in applying, please contact the parish clerk.

Please tell us what you want your Parish Council to do in Dickens Heath. Leave a note via the library, or send a quick email, any suggestions will be considered at the next Council meeting.