Even though ‘In Bloom’ has been cancelled this year some of our residents have been very busy trying to keep their gardens cheerful for the residents to enjoy.
thank you Tony 😃
Even though ‘In Bloom’ has been cancelled this year some of our residents have been very busy trying to keep their gardens cheerful for the residents to enjoy.
thank you Tony 😃
Dickens Heath Parish Council and Dickens Heath Library, in conjunction with Solihull MBC, have set up a new Community Support Group on Facebook – with the aim of supporting our community through the Covid-19 pandemic.
We are aiming for as many members as possible – so that residents can offer help to each other, or request help if self isolating. Volunteers can then hopefully be matched with residents who need help.
Solihull MBC will be feeding into this via their helplines:
0121 704 8001 or 0121 704 6000
Please join our group. If you are aware of any residents who may not be in Facebook, please can you make them aware that they can ring the SMBC helpline and they will be directed to local support.
Many thanks and Stay Safe
If you are self isolating and need help, you can call Solihull MBC on 0121 704 8001 or 0121 704 6000.
The Parish Council are working with Solihull MBC and the Library regarding further support for our community, and we will post further information as soon as possible.
If you know of elderly and vulnerable members of our community who may not have access to social media or see the noticeboard – please can you make them aware of this.
Thank You and Stay Safe
We know we have lots of lovely responsible dog owners in Dickens Heath who already pick up after their dog every time. There are just a few who are letting the rest down. We are taking a new approach to highlight the problem…..literally 🙂
Below is an example of our highlighting handiwork:
Further Update: Fairways are now able to provide limited maintenance while adhering to social distancing – this should hopefully start next week.
Solihull MBC and the Parish Council have only owned/been responsible for the Village Green for one month and had put in place a contract for maintenance with Fairways. Unfortunately, in line with Government guidance, Fairways have had to suspend all contracts for at least 3 weeks. So we apologise in advance for the grass getting longer or the bins remaining unemptied. Please bear with us during this extremely difficult time for everyone. Stay safe, and please help us out by taking your litter home. Thank you.
Following the Government’s announcement the playground is now closed until further notice.
Parish Councillor Mike Small yesterday joined members of Dickens Heath Scouts to plant saplings, provided by The Woodland Trust, on the Village Green. This makes Dickens Heath officially the first to work with Solihull MBC on their campaign to plant more trees in the Borough.
Well done to all involved!
On March 4th 2020, members of the Parish Council were delighted to attend the official opening of The Hub, a new community premises located at Dickens Heath Community Primary School. Borough Councillor Ken Hawkins and former pupil Max are seen cutting the ribbon. The facility has been a very long time in the planning, and it is great to see The Hub finally open.
Dickens Heath Scouts have been looking forward to basing themselves at the facility, and there are plans to set up a Youth Group based at The Hub in the near future – with the Parish Council funding a youth worker.
The Parish Council would like to thank everyone who has contributed towards the success of this project.
Good afternoon,
It is with a heavy heart that I write to announce the cancellation of Vélo Birmingham & Midlands 2020 that was due to take place on Sunday 21 June 2020.
HM Government are strongly advising against mass gatherings and non-essential travel and even if it is possible that the situation may have improved by June 21 (which seems far from certain), working restrictions and self-isolation recommendations mean that we are simply unable to complete the work necessary in the next few weeks to ensure that the event could proceed safely and with minimum support from and/or disruption to local emergency services, whose vital work is rightly focused on supporting public health needs through these exceptional circumstances.
Vélo apologise for any inconvenience caused, particularly to those that made specific arrangements around the event and associated road closures. You can find more information about the cancellation on our website at www.velobirmingham.com
Vélo are now committed to ensuring that people are informed and updated about the cancellation, and we kindly ask you to assist us in informing any local residents and remove any leaflets or information you may have put up within your Parish.
Thank you in advance for your help and support in communicating this.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on route@velobirmingham.com
On behalf of the whole Vélo Team, we want to wish you well over the coming weeks and months.
Many thanks,
The Vélo Birmingham & Midlands Route Team
Last night’s parish council meeting saw a reprieve for Dickens Heath Library. Alison McGrory, Assistant Director at Solihull Council, agreed that Dickens Heath Library is a special case and more work needs to be done with the local community to ensure the opening hours meet the needs of the community. The council wants communities to think of libraries not just as a place, but as a building that has books that the community can use.
As well as 24 local residents, Borough Councillors Richard Holt and Ken Hawkins were present. All heard a smashing speech from a young resident about how he and his friends use the library after school and the proposed changes would stop that.
The Parish Council and Borough Councillors look forward to working with the Library Service and residents to ensure our library meets the needs of its growing community.
In the meantime, the two petitions will be presented to Solihull Council at its next meeting (Thursday 27 February). If you have not signed the hard copy you can do so at the parish council office or via the online petition (link attached).