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Please Bring Back Your Library Books

Please bring your library books back!

Solihull residents are being asked to return their library books – so they can be issued safely next month.

In order to give library staff sufficient time to quarantine books and prepare them for safe reissue, people are asked to return their library books to any of Solihull’s libraries from 10am to 1pm on Saturday 20 June or Thursday 25 June.

On Monday 6 July staff at Solihull Library Service will start issuing books through a new Click and Collect scheme at The Core. This will be followed by similar schemes at Chelmsley Wood Library and Shirley Library a few weeks later on 20 July. The service will be available in 30 minutes slots with users submitting requests for books via an online booking system on the Library Service web pages.
Forms will be available online from Monday 29 June for collections from The Core and from Monday 13 July for Chelmsley Wood and Shirley Libraries. Anyone unable to use the online form can place an order by phoning 0121 704 8001. The Home Library Service will also restart on 6 July.

Solihull Council’s Cabinet Member for Stronger and Safer Communities, Cllr Alison Rolf, said: “The launch of Click and Collect and the restart of our Home Library Service next month means we will have two very safe ways for people to borrow library books. Please help us to make this a success by dropping your book loans off this Saturday or next Thursday.

“Unfortunately we are a long way off from opening our doors as normal – so please don’t visit our libraries yet, other than to drop off your books for safe reissue.

“If you are unable to drop books off at these times and friends and family can’t do this for you, please don’t worry. We understand it may be difficult for some, so all books currently out for loan have had their return dates extended until the end of September. But to those of you who can – please bring your library books back!“

Thank You to our Dickens Heath Heroes

In National Volunteers Week, the Parish Council would like to send out a massive thank you to all of our Dickens Heath Heroes who have been doing so much in recent weeks to help the local community. Thank you to our Pharmacy volunteers who have been delivering prescriptions to self isolating residents, thank you to Tesco and everyone involved in the food bank donations, thank you to our residents who have been planting up the planters, watering our new trees on the Village Green, and helping with litter picking. Thank you to Catherine of the Library for all of your support with the Covid-19 Support Facebook page, and thank you to all other volunteers who are helping in the community – you are all very much appreciated.

Parish Council Meeting June 9th 2020

Having suspended the April and May meetings due to coronavirus, the Parish Council have decided to hold a virtual meeting, using Zoom, on Tuesday June 9th at 11am.

Along with all of the usual PC business, there are 2 items that may be of particular interest to residents:

1) Although the playground is currently closed, we are already starting to think about the process of procuring a replacement playground – which is likely to include consultation with children at the school.

2) The Parish Council has been approached by the Directors of the Village Hall, with a view that the PC take on the administration of the Village Hall on their behalf, and this is therefore on the agenda for discussion.

The public are very welcome, and if you would like to attend – please contact the Clerk on 07772 469271 or dickensheathpc@hotmail.com  for the meeting details.

We will aim to have the usual public participation session at the beginning of the meeting, but please bear with us – as this is our first virtual meeting, we are all still learning.

‘Please enjoy our parks safely and sensibly’

Local residents are being asked to enjoy Solihull’s parks responsibly following new government guidance which now permits the use of parks for relaxation as well as exercise.

Visitors to Solihull’s parks and open spaces will see new signage asking them to observe the two metre social distancing guidance if they are with somebody that they don’t live with.

Car parks and tennis courts will also reopen. Courts can be booked at – https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/TennisInSolihull

However, outdoor gyms, play areas, multi-use games areas and other equipment will remain closed as there is a higher risk of close contact and touching surfaces contaminated with COVID-19 in these spaces.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways Cllr Ken Hawkins said: “We welcome the new Government guidance which allows people to enjoy our parks for both exercise and relaxation.

“Our beautiful parks have become even more important for people’s physical and mental health but please enjoy them safely and sensibly.

“You can visit with people you live with or one person that you don’t live with. If you’re with someone you don’t live with, remember to observe the two metre social distancing guidance. So no team sports apart from members of your own household.”

For more information about all Council Services during this period please visit www.solihull.gov.uk

Stay alert, control the virus, save lives

New Phishing Scam Reporting Tool Launched

Phishing email scams have been around for a very long time, but the fraudsters who send them often use current events such as COVID-19 to make them appear genuine. 

Latest phishing COVID-19 phishing scams include: 

  •  Emails that encourage recipients to provide their bank details in order to receive coronavirus related Government payments  
  • Emails designed to look like they have been sent from the NHS or other Government bodies. These emails might falsely claim to link to a list of coronavirus cases in your area 
  • Emails that offer purported medical advice, tests or treatments to help protect you against the coronavirus.  
  • Emails targeted at businesses and specifically those working from home. These scam emails may appear to come from the company IT department or personnel department and contain fake policy document attachments which the recipient is asked to download and read 
  • Scammers are also seeking to exploit the increasing use of online communication platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft teams by sending out phishing emails carrying these platforms names. 

Phishing emails sent by scammers will typically contain links to scam websites or virus laden attachments. Following links in suspicious emails or opening or downloading attachments may increase the recipient’s exposure to malicious websites, computer viruses, spamware and ransomware.  

Report/forward phishing email scams to: report@phishing.gov.uk

Solihull’s Household Waste Recycling Centre site to reopen

Bickenhill Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) will reopen on Monday 18 May – but residents are being warned to expect significant queues and are asked to think very carefully about whether a trip is really essential.

In order to follow social distancing guidance, only five cars will be allowed in at a time and only one person will be allowed to leave each car to remove waste. Site users should also ensure that they can unload and carry their waste themselves as the site staff will be unable to provide assistance.

Nobody should visit the site if they are showing symptoms of Covid-19, are self-isolating or belong to a vulnerable group. A trip to the site should only be taken when waste cannot be stored safely at home and presents a public health risk.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways Cllr Ken Hawkins said: “We have restored bulky waste collections and by Monday 18 May all our residents will have had a garden waste collection which we hope will minimise the need to visit our HWRC. In reopening the site, we’re asking people to think very seriously about whether they really need to make the trip and to behave responsibly.

“Reopening the site is not a signal to start spring cleaning. Producing additional waste at this time will add significant pressure to the service which is already under strain during the pandemic and unnecessary visits could pose unnecessary health risks for front line staff at the site.”

A visit to Bickenhill HWRC should only be made when storage of excess household waste cannot be done safely at home and all traffic management and social distancing instructions should be adhered to.

Holders of HWRC vehicle permits should wait for further guidance about times to visit the site.

For further information – https://www.solihull.gov.uk/Resident/Rubbish-recycling/recyclingcentres

COVID 19 and VE Day

COVID 19 and VE Day

Friday 8 May 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day (commonly known as VE Day). This year the Government moved the May bank holiday to VE Day to allow the nation to remember the sacrifice so many made in the fight against fascism. Given the restrictions due to COVID-19 here are some ideas to help you get involved safely –

  • The link below has some useful online resources including tips for hosting a tea party at home, colouring, bunting and creative challenge for children.

    • You can also share stories about your family’s connection to WW2 by posting photos and stories on social media using #VEDay75.
    • Lastly, why not catch up with Dan Snow’s creative challenge for children at https://ve-vjday75.gov.uk/dan-snows-ve-day-challenge/