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Vandalism of Village Green Christmas Tree Lights

The Parish Council are devastated to report that 2 brand new sets of lights on the Village Green Christmas tree have ‘failed’ because of acts of pure vandalism.

After such a terrible year, the Councillors had really wanted to bring some Xmas cheer to the village – they arranged for a new safe mains power supply to be installed, and Councillors Trevor Eames and Alan Scholes, along with members of our community, spent hours installing the tree and decorating it.  When the lights failed after just 5 days, the Councillors rushed out to buy another set and hang them on the tree.  When the second set also failed after a few days, Councillor Scholes investigated and found that both sets of lights had been cut – which an electrician has confirmed is undoubtedly a deliberate act.  The Parish Council are at a loss as to why anyone would do this – when the lit tree was simply there to brighten up the village and bring some Xmas cheer.  As things stand we are unsure as to whether there is any point in replacing the lights again only for them to be vandalised in the same way.  

Village Christmas Tree

You may have noticed that the village Christmas tree is now up and decorated. It is in a new location on the Village Green with a new low volt mains power supply, new lights and with decorations made by children at Dickens Heath School.The tree has been provided by the Parish Council, and we would like to thank all the volunteers who helped to get the tree in place, to the Village Hall committee and to the Community Church group for their support this year. Thank you also to the Tickner family who added the children’s decorations on Saturday.Appreciation also goes to the LAYCA Community Association for lending us the scaffolding tower and working on the tree, plus Barrie the truck owner who provided the transport. And not forgetting Parish Councillor Trevor Eames who has worked so hard co-ordinating everything.We will miss the usual official switch on this year, along with the carol service in the Village Hall, mince pies and refreshments. Hopefully our usual festivities will all be back in 2021.

Royal Horticultural Society and Heart of England in Bloom

We have received a certificate from the Royal Horticultural Society and Heart of England in Bloom to recognise the valuable work we have put in through such hard times. We have had some beautiful floral decorations in the village, including the baskets provided by the Parish Council. We have had much appreciated assistance from residents Jayne of Beech Lane and Trevor of Waterside as well as your Councillors Doreen Wright, Alan Scholes, Maureen Holloway, Di Potter, Mike Small, Trevor Eames and Nargis Rashid who have planted out waterside island and clock island. Collected plants for the school, planted small saplings with the scouts help and been involved with the village Green tree project and been quietly weeding around the village throughout the pandemic.Thank you to everyone else who contributes to making our village the lovely place it is 🙂

Cherry Blossom Tree in Remembrance of 2020

Thank you to Solihull MBC for providing this flowering cherry – to remember 2020, those who have lost loved ones, the dedication of the keyworkers, and the unsung heroes in our community. And thank you to our contractors Fairways for planting it – this was not an easy task! The tree was originally due to be located in the village centre in front of Copperfield Court. Except that when Fairways tried to dig down into the the turf – they discovered a road there just under the surface! So a quick change of plan resulted in the tree being planted in front of the Village Hall. We look forward to seeing it blossom in the future.

New Trees for the Village Green

4 new trees have been planted on the Village Green this week. 3 diseased horse chestnut trees were removed a couple of weeks ago and Solihull MBC have provided 3 replacements (alternative specimens given that 3 of the horse chestnuts have died). Plus they have provided a flowering cherry as a Tree of Hope to remember 2020 – in remembrance of those who have lost loved ones, of the dedication of the keyworkers, and of the unsung heroes within our community.