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Baton Relay Route Through Dickens Heath

Here’s the exact route the baton will be following through Dickens Heath around 5PM on Tuesday 26th July.

One version is with street names that one of our residents kindly did and the other is the official CWG map.

Please pay attention to previous posts with information on road closures.

How exciting for those with a view from their armchair!


Queens Baton Relay – Road Traffic Details

Commonwealth Games coming to Solihull 28th July – 8th August.

Did you know that the Commonwealth Games is coming to an area by your business? Specifically, the Queens Baton Relay (QBR) is passing through the Borough on 26th July and we want to make sure you are informed of any potential implications.

We want to keep you updated on what is happening and how this may affect your business so that you can manage any potential disruption or maximise the benefit of the baton coming to your area.

We have compiled a traffic briefing note, FAQs, a map of the QBR route and a list of roads the baton actually travels down.

These can found here:


For any business support requirements, or to find out how you can promote your business locally, please contact the Business Investment team at business@solihull.gov.uk.

For further information regarding local events in your area please visit www.visitsolihull.co.uk.

We hope you find this information useful.

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the project office on the email above.


Commonwealth Games Project Office

Best Front Garden Competition

We’re running the best front garden competition again this year and we’d love to see more of your gardens and balconies (flower boxes are also included) please send your entries through to us as soon as you can. We’re looking forward to seeing them!