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Bring a bag for your rubbish when spending time outdoors.

Are you planning on spending time outdoors? Play your part in helping to keep our environment clean and litter-free: bring a bag to take your rubbish home with you to throw away or recycle. Don’t leave rubbish next to a full bin. Litter ruins our great outdoors by harming our wildlife and polluting our waters. Remember, bins aren’t always available outdoors, especially in the countryside

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Visitors to the Parish Council Meeting on the 10th July

At the Parish Council meeting on Wednesday the 10th of July we will have a number of visitors joining us.

We have Baillie Carlton from Solihull Council to talk to us about Dickens Heath Library.

Mark from Centrick will be coming to talk to us about the centre of Dickens Heath Village.

James Connolly from Solihull Council will be coming to talk to us about the possibility of a Car Club Pilot in the village.

It would be great to have as many residents as possible come to the beginning of the meeting (you don’t have to stay for the whole thing, we know the football is on ⚽) we’d love to hear your views on these items.

Hope to see you in the Library from 6.30pm on Wednesday

Plant Sale and Open Church at St Patrick’s 27th May

St Patrick’s Church, Salter Street B94 6DE

On Bank Holiday Monday 27th May from 10 – 1 we will be hosting our Plant Sale and Open Church. There is free parking and free entry.

There will be refreshments of drinks and biscuits and stalls including plants, crafts, cakes, books & jigsaws.

Our Grade II* listed church will be open from 10-12 for quiet prayer and self-guided tours. From 12 noon there will be an organ recital given by David Rice.

Come and support us and discover something within the church, buy from our stalls and then listen to the organ being played. All are welcome.