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Proposal to Cut the Opening Hours at Dickens Heath Library – Again

UPDATE – We have heard from Borough Councillor Ken Hawkins that the reduction in opening hours will be deferred until after the May Elections. So we have a little more time to make our feelings known! Some of you may already know that Solihull MBC will be cutting our Library’s opening hours as of April …

Update on unauthorised encampment on Tythe Barn Lane

SMBC served notice yesterday on the unauthorised encampment on the cul de sac section of Tythe Barn Lane. Our SMBC neighbourhood coordinator anticipates they will move by the end of the week, and SMBC will then clear the site. Further Update: The 6 Caravans that arrived on Saturday have now moved on and SMBC will …

New App to Increase Flood Awareness

Following the flooding in the borough last year, Solihull Council has invested in a new app which will allow residents to be more flood aware. Solihull Council has collaborated with Vision Link to develop the new app, which allows people to view the Council’s network of cameras and sensors which monitor water levels. Users can …