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Annual Parish Meeting for Residents April 5th 2022

The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting for residents to raise any concerns or issues they may have. The focus of this year’s meeting is crime and anti-social behaviour – Police Sergeant Adrian Mills, PCSO Gary Jackson and members of the village Streetwatch group have confirmed that they will be attending, so that they can …

Garden Works in Tesco Car Park 

The contractors for Elegant Homes have now carried out the bulk of the garden tidying work, removing several truckloads of garden waste.  They are due to return to spray the weeds.  The area was also cleared of long trapped litter and requests made for removal of the redundant For Sale signs. 

Unfortunately the new bench that had been fire damaged suffered further vandalism, was no longer safe, and has had to be removed. A decision will be made later in the year on whether to replace the bench.